The website is owned and published by:
Brdr. Strecker (Data Controller)
Toldbodgade 9
DK-1253 Copenhagen K
CVR: 17720082
Telephone: +45 33 30 86 00
Contact: Rikke Sylvester
Brdr. Strecker is administrative office for the following businesses:
- Barock, Nyhavn 1, 1051 København K, VAT: 17720082
- Skipperkroen, Nyhavn 27, 1051 København K, VAT: 17720082
- Nyhavn 37, Nyhavn 37, 1051 København K, VAT: 17720082
- Ved Kajen, Nyhavn 43, 1051 København K, VAT: 27898580
- Guldmagerens Hus, Nyhavn 59, 1051 København K, VAT: 17720082
- H.C. Andersens Café, Nyhavn 67, 1051 København K, VAT: 17720082
- Brooklyn Bar & Restaurant, Toldbodgade 3, 1253 København K, VAT: 17720082
- The Old English Pub, Vesterbrogade 2B, 1620 København V, VAT: 15699345
All abovementioned businesses are collectively known as Brdr. Strecker.
Brdr. Strecker handles all personal data in accordance with current personal data legislation. Brdr. Strecker concludes agreements with guests and suppliers concerning delivery – buying and selling – of various services and products.
When a guest orders or buys one or more of Brdr. Strecker’s services and provides personal data to Brdr. Strecker as part of that process, the guest consents to the guest’s/supplier’s personal data being processed by Brdr. Strecker. The same is the case in terms of any personal data which suppliers provide to Brdr. Strecker in connection with quoting prices or concluding agreements with Brdr. Strecker.
Personal data are collected by Brdr. Strecker as follows:
- When a guest – or its representative – books a table (Dinnerbooking), obtains quotes for a party, an event or any other service or when a supplier quotes a price or sells products or services to Brdr. Strecker.
- Through browser cookies on our websites.
- From social media.
- When suppliers conclude agreements with Brdr. Strecker or quote prices to Brdr. Strecker.
Collection and processing of personal data, see the above, will always be in accordance with current personal data legislation.
Brdr. Strecker collects the following personal data:
- Name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth and other general, non-sensitive personal data.
- Payment card details
- Demographic data.
- Purchase history.
- Data from customer surveys and guest feedback.
- Data from Brdr. Strecker’s social media and other digital platforms belonging to Strecker.
- Browser data.
- Data about the guest’s company and relevant contacts.
- Data about the supplier’s company and data about relevant contacts.
A guest/supplier can voluntarily and at its option provide Brdr. Strecker with further personal data which it believes may be important to Brdr. Strecker’s service to the guest/supplier or which the relevant person believes should be provided for safety reasons.
Such data could be data about:
- Disabilities
- Allergies including special food preferences
- Other health or medical data
If a guest/supplier voluntarily and at its option chooses to provide such data, Brdr. Strecker considers that to be consent to record and save such sensitive data about that person.
In addition to the data which Brdr. Strecker receives directly from guests/suppliers, Brdr. Strecker will, in some instances, collect or process further data which Brdr. Strecker has received from third parties, e.g., an intermediary or an employee in the company in which the data subject works. If that is the case, the relevant third party must inform the relevant guests/suppliers about Brdr. Strecker’s terms and conditions and Brdr. Strecker’s personal data policy. It is also the relevant third party’s responsibility to ensure that there is the necessary legal basis to collect and process the relevant data, including obtaining any necessary consent to process any sensitive data.
For reservations and orders for services and products, Brdr. Strecker saves data which the guest/supplier has provided for up to 5 years after which the data are erased if they are no longer relevant.
Brdr. Strecker uses NETS to cash payments made by payment and credit cards at our restaurants/bars.
For orders and reservations, Brdr. Strecker saves data which the guest/supplier has provided for up to five years or until they are no longer relevant.
In addition to the handling of the order, the data provided will only be used if, for example, a guest/supplier asks questions or if there is a mistake in the order/payment.
Brdr. Strecker only collects personal data that are necessary to fulfil the agreements concluded with guests/suppliers on the delivery of services, for example booking a table at one of Brdr. Strecker’s restaurants/bars or buying/selling products or services. The content and nature of each individual agreement determine what personal data Brdr. Strecker collects and processes and determine the purpose of the collection.
The purpose of collecting and processing personal data will primarily be:
- Processing of guests’ reservations and purchases of Brdr. Strecker’s services.
- Processing of the supplier’s quote and sale of product and services.
- Contact to the guest before, during and after the guest’s visit.
- Fulfilling the guest’s request for quotes or purchase of services.
- Improvement and development of Brdr. Strecker’s services.
- Adaptation of Brdr. Strecker’s marketing and other communication.
- Analysis of guests’/suppliers’ user behaviour and marketing to them.
- Administration of guests’/suppliers relations to Brdr. Strecker.
Brdr. Strecker will often process personal data because it is necessary to perform an agreement with Brdr. Strecker to which a guest or supplier is a party. That may for example be in connection with a party, an event, a meeting or the handling and fulfilment of co-operation agreements and supplier agreements.
If a guest states specific personal preferences or considerations in connection with a visit at Brdr. Strecker, for example health data, disabilities, religious conviction or the like, Brdr. Strecker will use those data only to make sure that those circumstances are taken into consideration.
In some situations, Brdr. Strecker will receive personal data from third parties, for example a travel agency or the like, for example in connection with group bookings. When that is the case, the relevant third party must inform the relevant guests/suppliers about Brdr. Strecker’s terms and conditions and the content of this personal data policy.
According to the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation, data subjects (guests/suppliers) have the following rights:
- A data subject always has a right of access to the personal data that Brdr. Strecker is processing about the data subject.
- A data subject always has the right to have the personal data that Brdr. Strecker has about the data subject rectified and updated.
- A data subject always has the right to have personal data that Brdr. Strecker has about the data subject erased. If a data subject requests erasure, all data which Brdr. Strecker is not obliged to save according to legislation will be erased. In some instances, erasure of the data subject’s data may mean that Brdr. Strecker cannot perform any agreements concluded or deliver certain services to the data subject. If some of the data which Brdr. Strecker has about the data subject have been provided based on the data subject’s consent, that data subject is at all times entitled to withdraw its consent which means that the data will be erased or no longer used by Brdr. Strecker.
However, the possibility to request erasure etc. may be limited to protect other persons’ privacy, trade secrets and intellectual property rights.
If the data subject asks for rectification and/or erasure of its personal data, Brdr. Strecker will assess whether the conditions for the request have been met. If so, Brdr. Strecker will perform the changes or erasure at the earliest opportunity. The data subject will at any time receive a reply to the request as soon as possible.
The data subject may at all times ask Brdr. Strecker in writing to be provided with a list and a copy of the personal data about the data subject which Brdr. Strecker has in its possession. A written request in those regards must be signed by the data subject and must contain the data subject’s name, address, telephone number and email address.
If the data subject believes that its personal data is being processed contrary to legislation or contrary to other legal obligations, for example the agreement/contract which the data subject has with Brdr. Strecker, the data subject may contact the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet). A written request must be sent to Brdr. Strecker, see contact details above (under Publisher).
Brdr. Strecker reserves the right to reject requests which are being repeated to an extent that it resembles harassment, which require excessive technical measures, which affect the protection of other data subjects’ personal data or in other situations where it would demand excessive resources or be very complicated to accommodate the request.
Brdr. Strecker protects the data subject’s personal data and has established guidelines to protect the data subject’s personal data from unauthorised disclosure and from unauthorised persons gaining access or knowledge of them.
Only persons employed by Brdr. Strecker with a need for the personal data recorded because of their job function will have access. Brdr. Strecker continuously checks that there is no unauthorised access to the personal data recorded.
In case of a data security breach with a high risk of misuse of the data subjects’ personal data, Brdr. Strecker will inform the data subjects about the data security breach as soon as possible. Brdr. Strecker’s security procedures are reviewed and updated on a regular basis with reference to the technological development.
Brdr. Strecker uses a number of external suppliers of IT services, IT systems, payment solutions etc. Brdr. Strecker regularly concludes data processing agreements with all suppliers through which it is also ensured in relation to external data processors that they maintain a necessary a high level of protection in terms of the data subjects’ personal data.
Brdr. Strecker shares the data subjects’ personal data internally in the group with Brdr. Strecker’s restaurants. The purpose is to be able to provide the guest with the best service, regardless of which department within Brdr. Strecker the guest uses.
Brdr. Strecker erases your personal data when Brdr. Strecker’s legal obligation ceases or when the purpose of collecting and processing the data no longer exists. As a general rule, data are saved for up to five years or until they are no longer relevant.
Brdr. Strecker uses cookies. Further information about Brdr. Strecker’s cookie policy is available on our website under “Cookie- and privacy policy”.
We have made technical and organisational measures to prevent your data from being accidentally or illegally erased, disclosed, lost, deteriorated or coming to the knowledge of unauthorised persons, misused or in any other way processed contrary to legislation.
We reserve the right to update this privacy policy. Any changes will take effect when published on our website.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns concerning our privacy policy.
See contact details above (under Publisher).
This document was last updated in December 2023.